Our School
Our mission is to unlock the belief in all children through the experience of the love of Christ within the presence of each other, the staff, our parents and the Church.
By working together we aim to deliver an education that is second to none within an unashamedly Catholic atmosphere that equips our next generation in a combination of intellect and Spirit, faith and reason, prayer and action, to lead and challenge society for the better.
We are inspired by St Joseph, patron Saint of workers and a member of the Holy Family. We aim to create a place where children aren’t just loved but that they know they are loved. It is this ethos that enables our children to become academically successful. Here, all children are developed according to their ability and we make every effort to ensure that we reach out to all regardless of background.
You’ll experience a happy atmosphere at St. Joseph’s in which the dignity and worth of each pupil and member of staff is recognised, developed and safeguarded. Our school is recognised for its atmosphere of welcome where all feel at home in a sense of safety and security. Staff are willing to be present with the pupils in friendship and to go that one step further, where this is necessary, to meet the needs of young people.
We are committed to child protection and safeguarding the students at the school. Our Child Protection officer is Miss McCormack (A.McCormack@st-josephs.slough.sch.uk). Further advice about child protection can be found at www.ceop.police.uk. For Prevent advice around extremism Click Here.
Ciran Stapleton, Head Teacher