Each Lent the schools comes together to enjoy ‘Fundraising Fridays’. As the name suggests, each Friday during Lent we have a different fundraising event which the Head of Houses and their House Captains organise and run.
The money raised has gone to a variety of causes including CAFOD, School Aid, and Rainbows and more recently the school Mission 2 Thai. This year we are also fundraising to help send the Chaplaincy Team to the World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis in Dublin, in August.
These events really bring us all together as a community. They remind us how important it is to be mindful of people less fortunate than ourselves, and encourage us to find ways in which we can explore helping others and grow deeper in our own faith.

Fundraising Fridays – Lent 2016

Fundraising Fridays – Lent 2016