Our School

The Common Good

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Mark 5:9

At St Joseph’s we strive for the common good in all we do. The fruits of the earth belong to everyone and should be shared. No one should be excluded from the gifts of creation. Commitment to the common good means respecting the rights and responsibilities of all people

Our actions have an impact on wider society. It is up to every one of us – governments, communities and individuals – to promote the common good. When we make decisions, we should choose to consider the good of all

No one should miss out on the opportunity to grow and fulfil their potential. Each and every person deserves to have what they need to survive and flourish

Pope Francis wrote, in Evangelii Gaudium, #235, 2013: "The whole is greater than the part, but it is also greater than the sum of its parts… We constantly have to broaden our horizons and see the greater good which will benefit us all. But this has to be done without evasion or uprooting... We can work on a small scale, in our own neighbourhood, but with a larger perspective.”

Where is it seen in our curriculum?


The Common Good


In the KS3 curriculum in Year 7 students are given the opportunity to look at the common good through looking at our rights and responsibilities of belonging to a community and understanding different denominations. In the KS4 curriculum students in Year 11 learn about peace and conflict and the work of various Christian charities in supporting those affected by war and conflict. They also consider the work of Pope Francis and the actions he has taken to help ease religious conflicts in the mordent world particularly the Israeli Palestinian conflict. In KS5 as part of the Ethics course student's study normative ethical theories such as natural law, situation ethics, utilitarianism and Kantian ethics. Students are asked to assess the strengths and weaknesses of these theories when applied to moral issues such as euthanasia and business ethics.


The Common Good is included within the English Curriculum when we link our learning to our St Joseph’s Pupil Profile, and the responsibilities we have as students and as members of one society. Each unit within our curriculum embeds an important profile, such as faith-filled and truthful which we examine when we study religious poetry in Year 9, or Compassionate and Loving which we evaluate when we focus on the injustice in ‘Merchant of Venice’. In turn, through the embedding of these profiles we encourage students to learn their own rights and responsibilities and how these can impact the outer world.


Engineering systems for the common good: With maths, class hopes to offer solutions to homelessness


In the science curriculum students understand lots of discoveries that are useful to society but potentially at a cost. For example potential embryonic stem cells and cloning could potentially save lives, but there are ethical concerns around using them. Non-renewable energy often has a large impact on the environment. Many forms of renewable energy can destroy habitats. Students are challenged to identify the advantages and disadvantages of these.


In History, we look at the Common Good through our rights and responsibilities when we learn about Hungarian Uprising/ Prague Springs during the Cold War. In Year 7 we look at democracy and significance events that tried to achieve this such as the Peasants Revolt. In Year 8 students learn about the Tudors and the rights of Religion through the Reformation. In year 9 students learn about the Civil Rights Movement and gaining the vote.

In Year 10, students learn about the Norman Conquest and how William was able to consolidate power. In Year 12 and 13 students learn about the Indian Uprising as well as the American War of Independence.


In Geography students learn about rights and responsibilities through our Common Good when:

Students learn about the impacts of climate change in our natural environments and analyse solutions to protecting our natural environment- specifically our coral reefs. 

Students analyse if environmental damage is worth economic gain. They also discuss strategies for bridging the UK North-South Divide to ensure quality of wealth and resources.

Students learn about different types of social development and linked jobs and discover how these have changed over time with development.

This is a unique part of the course where students are presented with an unseen issue and they have to acknowledge all sides of the argument to make a decision. In the past students have had to decide whether a port should be built for cruise ships in the Cayman Islands to make more money for the population but at a cost of the natural environment. Human development Vs Environmental damage.

Students select their own enquiry question and must conduct their own research and wider reading around the topic. This is their chance to expand their knowledge independently


In French students learn about the Common Good when discussing about the 14th July celebrations. In year 9 students learn about talking about what has happened regarding crime and our rights and responsibilities to it.
At Key Stage 4 students in year 10 and 11 learn about school life and rules.
At key stage 5 students discussed and learn Multiculturalism, success or failure? As well as  protests and strikes in year 13


In Spanish students learn about the Common Good when discussing the history of a Spanish-speaking country. In year 10 students learn about school life and rules.

In year 13 students examine measures to tackle racism in some countries in Hispanic America as well as Trade unions in Spain and direct actions in the Hispanic world.


Students during PSHE explore lots of different topics that look our rights and responsibilities in society such as:

Managing influences and risks, and seeking support, exploring the risks and consequences of substance use. Drugs and gambling addictions
Our rights to yourself by checking yourself for Cancer, Fertility & Reproductive Health, Sex and the Media and well as miscarriage and unplanned pregnancy
Within the workplace students look at citizenship in the workplace, enterprising personality, Job interviews and different types of Employment P45 P60 Payslips


Through sport we look at how each pass and/or play can impact the next and how we can positively impact our team and/or results.


Students are given the opportunity to discuss, study works of Artists such as Frida Kahlo. This provokes study and consideration of life and dignity, care for our common home along with solidarity and peace and the common good.


Rights and responsibilities of designers when developing products are explored and investigated. Pupils are encouraged to consider how to make design good for all, They may look specifically at inclusive design, or designing products for people with specific disabilities or needs. Safe working including being aware of, identifying and limiting risks are paramount. In lessons, pupils can identify that even amongst themselves their peers may have specific things they need help with and are encouraged to support each other to reach their full potentials.

Pupils work in teams, in pairs and individually in food and DT lessons. They work safely and hygienically in food pupils prepare food for various occasions, and for people of diverse cultures, they consider people with different food requirements and allergies, and how to ensure people are safe.


Students look at Pixars Inside Out, this encourages them to look at personality traits and others emotions and the impact we can have on others within society. In the 7 Deadly Sins we look at the values of being a good person. At KS 4 there are many opportunities within devised or scripted work that encourage the students to look at the importance of being a good person within society as a whole.


One of the most important aspects of student’s musical learning is about developing confidence, motivation and belief in their own ability through performing ideas and expressing their opinions. Understanding that learning something new will lead to mistakes but that this does not make them a bad person and that actually the qualities of a good person are in the ability to work through hardships. Also when evaluating and giving feedback on the quality and success of practise and/or a performance, how important it is to be respectful of the person, the work they have produced and how to give constructive feedback.

Business and Economics

Ethics and Laws that guide the behaviour of employees and employers in the workplace ensure that students learn about the common good within the workplace.


Students in Law learn about our Common Good when examining the rights of the individual both in substantive and non-substantive law Year 12 - Law making and the role of Government through Law making and delegated legislation, Access to justice
as well as our Human Rights. Students also learn about police procedure and the court process


Our Common Good is discussed Year 12 psychology when we examine eyewitness Testimony in the Criminal Justice System


Our Common Good is discussed in Year 13 Sociology when we examining Police Procedure and the Court Process