Our School

Solidarity and Peace

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatian 3:28

At St Joseph’s we show solidarity in all we do. We stand side-by-side with our sisters and brothers, especially those living in poverty. Solidarity begins with the idea that all of us, created in the image and likeness of God, are part of one family. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church we are reminded that; “The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognize Christ in the poorest, his brethren.”

It is clear in the Gospel that loving your neighbour, especially the ‘least of your brethren’ becomes an act of solidarity towards God. Solidarity is an act of love. Just as there is solidarity between individuals we also aim for solidarity between and within institutions and nations

In practice, signs that show our solidarity with others are the way we love and serve each other, by the way we are involved in social issues like the treatment of refugees and the homeless, by the way we show respect for, and engage in dialogue with, those from other cultures, races, religions

In our world today over 1.3 billion people live below the agreed UN poverty line, Pope Francis reminds us that “The many situations of inequality, poverty and injustice, are signs not only of a profound lack of fraternity, but also of the absence of a culture of solidarity”

Where is it seen in our curriculum?




In year 12, Christian moral action unites. During this lesson, students will learn about the teachings and examples of Dietrich Bonhoeffer regarding solidarity and the cost of discipleship. They will explore how Christians are called to express solidarity with all people, including the oppressed and those from other nations and beliefs. The lesson will also examine Bonhoeffer's view that the church must be 'for others.' Also, in year 8 we study Hinduism, Sikhism and Judaism to demonstrate a willingness to understand, respect, and engage with the beliefs and practices of others.

In year 11, they do Theme B, religion, peace and conflict, looking into the Biblically perceptive and the church teaching about peace.  


In English students learn about solidarity and peace through the many texts we study. In Key Stage 3 students study poetry with themes of religion, war and love, all focusing on the strength of community and importance of peace. Students also study texts where conflict is a key theme (whether war or social conflict) such as ‘Macbeth’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’, learning about the importance of a peaceful society.


Maths aids us in problem-solving and critical thinking – two very essential skills in today's technology-powered generation. Schools believe that learning maths opens up a world of opportunities. It is basically the foundation of many fields such as science, engineering, economics, and computer science


In the science curriculum students it is often discussed how important collaboration is in the world of science, both within a team and internationally. In KS3 students learn about the Human Genome Project which required several teams across the world to achieve. Furthermore we examine the development of the atomic model and the periodic table which involved incremental improvements of ideas spanning the globe. There is an inherent need in science to work together in spite of differences, especially where there are massive challenges facing humanity such as disease, climate change and increasing energy requirements.


In History, war plays has played a huge part in determining futures of citizens. In History, students not only study the major historical wars such as World War 1 and 2 but they also examine the Cold War and the impact this has on different people within society. Students also look at the collapse of Soviet control in Eastern Europe; fall of Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.

Students in Year 8 and 12 study the Civil Rights Movement and its impact on society. Students in Year 1 examine both the Korean War and Vietnam War

In Year 8 and 12 students learn about how women gained the right to vote as well as how women gained more rights within society. In Year 7  students study migration (Huguenots coming to Britain)


In Geography further opportunities given to students to learn about Russia in depth and discuss the relationships between Russia and the wider world, as well as the physical opportunities of the land.

Further opportunities given to students to learn about wider cultures and beliefs to enhance acceptance of others. This topic demonstrates how countries can be vastly different but still important and unique.

Students discuss how attempts at global governance (including the example of the United Nations in the post-1945 era) can work to promote growth and stability but may also

Exacerbate inequalities and injustices between working communities.


In French students learn about solidarity and peace when expressing future intentions (languages and nationalities) in year 7. Students also learn about Christmas in France in year 8 and in year 9 learn as to how individuals are treated with accidents and emergencies.

At Key Stage 4 students learn about community projects and Volunteering/
At Key stage 5 students learn about experiences in volunteering as well as politics and immigration.


In Spanish students learn about solidarity and peace when learning about Christmas in Spain to all of Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 4 students learn about Festivals and traditions as well as to act locally

In Key Stage 5 students learn about Immigration in Hispanic countries and Coexistence of Christians, Jews and Muslims in Spain (Autumn 1)


Solidarity and Peace is taught across all year groups in the PSHE curriculum when students study being a Critical Consumer of Online Information, online blackmail, fake news & Critical Thinking Revisited. Climate change and cultural appropriation
as well as Free Speech and Hate Speech


Solidarity and peace are embedded across all practical sports so that pupils can work together collectively as teams. Pupils need to work together to improve skills and share common strategies to achieve together. Work is done to look at the impact sport has on bringing people together.


Students investigate aspects of Art that have expressed, brought about a movement of change when discussing the historical references of different eras. Important pivotal artworks are analysed.


Pupils embody peace and solidarity in food and D+T lessons. They have to work together to solve challenges, working together with a common goal. Pupils learn about food and traditions of different cultures and take inspiration from products and dishes from other cultures to design and make their own,


In drama we focus heavily on collaboration with each other which encourages solidarity as a group. The work together to create performances and use feedback to improve their work.

Business and Economics

Students learn about Solidarity and Peace when examining the role of international bodies like the UN, the European Union, the World Bank, and International Trading Blocks. The emphasis on cultural differences and its effect on trade ensures that students understand the importance of Peace between Nations.


Students in Law learn about Solidarity and Peace when examining the rights of the individual both in substantive and non-substantive law. Students examine the Rule of Law and Magna Carta as well as the impact of WW2 and the introduction of UNHR


Solidarity and Peace plays a key part in discussion from students beliefs when examining in Year 12 Conformity and Obedience and in Year 13 De-Individuation


Solidarity and Peace plays a key part in discussion from student’s beliefs when examining in Year 12 - Functionalist Views on Family and Education Generating Consensus and Social Solidarity. In Year 13 students study Functionalist Views on the Criminal Justice System and the Workplace Generating Consensus and Social Solidarity