

Why is Numeracy important?

Poor numeracy skills can hinder the prospects of pupils within their school subjects as well as beyond education in the labour market. It is important that pupils are constantly improving their skills in numeracy as well as transferring them between subjects.

How is Numeracy promoted across the school?


It is culturally acceptable to publicise negative messages about Maths “I can’t do Maths”, “I’m just not a Maths person”. It is common to hear such messages about Maths than, “I can’t read!”

This is sending a dangerous message to youngsters reinforcing the acceptable nature of poor numeracy skills, hindering their access in the labour market.

At St Joseph’s we believe that everyone can and should achieve in Maths with hard work and determination.

To promote this pupils have been trending #IcandoMaths in all their lessons.

St Joseph’s Numeracy Logo

In all our lessons the Numeracy Logo is used to highlight when a Numeracy skill is being practiced to further emphasise to pupils the transferable aspect of Numeracy across the curriculum.

Numeracy in Form-time

Once a week during form-time pupils take part in numeracy activities. One of these involves working through their individual numeracy booklets which contains targeted numeracy skills for pupils to practice.

Certain pupils also take part in small group Numeracy support led by Maths specialists.