Our School

Mission Statement

St Joseph’s Catholic High School

Prayer to St. Joseph the Worker

O God, the Creator of all things, You have laid the law of labour upon the human race. Grant, we beseech You, that by the example and protection of St. Joseph we may perform the work You command and attain to the reward You promise.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Our School Mission Statement - Unlocking Belief in All’

Our School Vision is to become a...

Catholic Community. Christ presence comes through us – we have to love our students but more importantly, students should know we love them. If we are a school, it follows that we are a...

Learning Community. Learning is at the heart of what we do. We want our school to be a place where outstanding learning takes place. The students learn, the parents learn and we as staff learn. As professionals, we are responsible for setting the culture and the climate – their learning culture is down to us. We want to be the best school we can possibly be which means – the best in the country. To do that, it follows that we need to be a...

Listening community. St Joseph was the mean who listened to the angels – we listen to the students, the parents, each other. If we listen hard enough to them, we will know how to make this the best school we can possibly be...