Our School


“...our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.” I John 3:18

At St Joseph’s we promote participation in all we do. The principle of participation is the teaching that People have a right and a duty to take part in shaping a more just and human society,  “...people have an obligation to be participants in the life of society and society has a duty to enable them to participate…” Catholic Bishops of the United States, Economic Justice for All, 71. ‘...the Gospel tells us constantly to run the risk of a face-to-face encounter with others, with their physical presence which challenges us, with their pain and their pleas, with their joy which infects us in our close and continuous interaction. True faith in the incarnate Son of God is inseparable from self-giving, from membership in the community, from service, from reconciliation with others. The Son of God, by becoming flesh, summoned us to the revolution of tenderness.’
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, #88, 2013

In today’s society action of Catholic Social Teaching is so important and at St Joseph’s we not only want to allow students to learn about how they can participate but we encourage them to get up and make a difference to those in society. It is through action that we can make a positive difference to others and action is encouraged in all we do.

 Where is it seen in our curriculum?




Throughout the RE curriculum, participation in the wider world is covered generously; demonstrating our faith through actions is woven through what we learn. In the GCSE curriculum students cover the topics of Religion, Social Justice and Human Rights, emphasising the need for Faithful participation in the world by recognising the diverse range of poverty and inequality being positively affected by institutions like CAFOD participating in the wider mission.

In year 7, students cover the importance of the Church community and the difference between Church and church; showing students the importance of local participation through faith. Here we address the idea that we are all part of different communities that we actively participate in the purpose of, like our School, our Parish and even our family.


In English, students participate in attending theatre trips to see the ‘Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe’ in Year 7, to Sixth form attending trips to see Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House’. Students also actively participate in lessons through communal reading aloud, acting our particular scenes from a text, and through their speaking and listening presentations in Year 10.


The course primarily aims at seeking ways to develop approaches to mathematics in real life that are sensitive to the contexts and experience. Hence participation in maths senior, intermediate and junior maths challenge


In Biology, when learning about the Human Genome Project and Chemistry when learning about the development of idea of the atomic model and periodic table, it is made clear how collaboration is vital to scientific discoveries. Participation of multiple scientists is required for discoveries to be made. All students participate in practical activities in which they work in small groups and improve their ability to work with their hands. During electives we run a Microscopy club which allows students to participate in viewing many different substances at a cellular level. In Biology A-Level students go on a field trip to carry out sampling in habitats and understand the impact of humans.


In History, Participation in trips and extra-curricular activities allow students to fully explore the subject but also know how to make a difference. Trips that are organised for students are a year 7 trip to Windsor Castle, Year 8 going to Hampton Court Palace and Key Stage 4 students being given the opportunity to go to the Battlefields.

Within school extra-curricular trips such as History Movie club and History elective, as well as the annual Black History House competition allow students to fully participate to in the subject.


In Geography, participation in trips and extra-curricular activities allow students to fully explore the subject but also know how to make a difference. Trips that are organised for students are a year 11 going to London and the coast as well as trips to environment places to study landscape and human geography. Geography also runs the ‘Geog Off’ House competition.


Within French, students are able to participate in World Languages Day, trips to Lille and Paris and Le Spelling Bee. This to give students a full understanding of how language and culture in France is seen.


Within Spanish, students are able to participate in World Languages Day, trips to Barcelona and concurso de ortografía. This to give students a full understanding of how language and culture in France is seen.


In all aspects of PSHE, pupils learn about how to be active participants in their society. Right from navigating their relationships healthily, to navigating the finances/ careers and how to be global citizens. The PSHE SOL intends to mould pupils who are articulate confident intentional active citizens who can effectively change and add to society for the better.


In PE, we look at all the roles that surround the sporting world and embed the understanding that the participation in each role allows for safe and engaging play in sport. It is encouraged that maximal effort is used in any physical participation to truly test and develop our physical abilities we have been given and our mental strength to overcome obstacles.


Art students study many aspects of the catholic principles, participation in investigating relevant Artists questioning the contextualisation. They are encouraged to research individually inspiring Artists that link intrinsically to GCSE/A-level independent research.


Pupils actively participate in all lessons. They plan, prepare and make food and products which promote togetherness and unity. They identify and solve problems. In food key stage 4 pupils have the opportunity to go on a trip to borough market to share the cultural shared food experiences. They select from a variety of stalls and shops, fully immersing themselves in the bustling and rich food culture of the area.


All of our drama students participate, In KS3 it is not an option to opt out of acting as it encourages oracy and confidence. Students are made to feel that the drama room is a safe space. Our theatre trips encourage students to participate in their love of drama. A wide range of students take part in our school productions, and love participating and showing their talents to a wider audience.


Throughout their musical learning, students are encouraged to develop their confidence to participate in listening, performance and composition activities. We frequently have discussions about barriers to learning and students are open with insecurities they may possess. The biggest message we have within the music department is that the only way to succeed is to try. Outside the main curriculum, we continued to encourage students’ courage to participate in concerts, productions and whole school masses.

Business and Economics

Business teaches the importance of giving back to the community through cash and kind. The subjects emphasises the importance of volunteerism and through Social Responsibility.


Within Law, students are able to participate in the subject by the bi-annual trip to The Houses of Parliament, Royal Courts of Justice and Old Bailey. This to give students a full understanding of how law is made and implemented in society. Students during the summer term are also given the opportunity to take part in a Moot.